Cheers to 40+
There's something about turning 40 that changes a lot of things. You become the woman who knows what she wants, who she is and how she wants to be treated. 40 also brings this sense of awakening in another part of you. In a nutshell you beccome true to yourself. Along with that comes this sense of not wanting to follow all these silly trends. As a makeup artist and a woman of 40s I can tell you that besides wearing a smile there's nothing sexier and more beautiful a woman can wear than her youthful playful self. Not being preached or tied to what's trending or what everyone's doing but more finding herself and what is best for her. She wants to look great and represent herself because guess what she knows she's all that, but with minimal effort. With that said a healthy glowy skin, blush, lipstick, mascara, your hair fitting your personality. Outfit that you're wearing not one that wears you and most importantly the confidence to move mountains and darling that is all you need.
Cheers to 40+